Short Numbers
- Easily memorised
- Ideal to interact with your customers
- Used in SMS Marketing campaigns
- Enables collection and analysis of response information
- Ideal for sending SMSs in large quantities, in a B2C perspective

Shared Short Numbers
Dedicated Short Numbers
A dedicated short code is only used by one company. Having a short number for your business has the following advantages:
Possibility to choose the keywords you want for your SMS Marketing campaigns
Create campaigns such as text-to-win, citizen eParticipation and more
Having a short code that is specific to your company increases brand awareness
In some industries, such as financial or governmental, having a dedicated short code allows you to have full control of what is sent, in addition to offering you security and privacy
Long Numbers
Long Numbers – Dual Sale
- Available and adaptable IVR for your company
- Customers can reply to the SMS through an IVR
- Possibility of forwarding the call to the company’s call centre
- Bulk SMS
- Marketing campaigns
- Two-factor authentication
- Coupons
- Alerts
- Voting
- Contests
- Citizen eParticipation
- CPaaS platforms

97% of SMSs are read in the first 3 minutes following delivery?
Go4Mobility’s competitive advantage
We invest in quality in order to meet our customers' needs in a transparent and reliable way
Available in Portugal and Spain, with connections to all national mobile operators
Schedule messages according to the time zone, black & white lists and several encoding options
Access all information about what was sent, the status, replies and other information
Our API and the support of our team makes it easy to integrate our solutions